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Truth and Reconciliation

Truth and Reconciliation at Mill Bay Nature School

Since the very beginning of Mill Bay Nature School, Elders-in-Indigenous Knowledge Keepers have guided us to begin this school in a good way; a sustainable way; a way that honours those who have walked this land for millennia and who know it intimately; a way that centres children and seeks to help each grow into the promise that already lives within; a way that seeks consensus; a way that builds healthy, nourishing, loving, supportive communities; a way that is patient. This decolonizing work requires their close guidance; we are so grateful for their commitment, dedication, and trust. Huy ch q’u.

A film of our children singing “Huy ch q’u” at the (first) National Day of Truth and Reconciliation – September 30, 2021 – in Duncan, B.C.